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Breathe Together – French Yoga Retreat @ La Deveze


2022 South of France retreat - Monday 19th - Monday 26th September 2022

You can register your interest here

Come and join us at the incredible La Deveze in the South of France for a week-long retreat surrounded by nature, fresh Prana and in the company of like-minded friends.

Each day there will be 2 practices of either Yoga or Qigong (maybe both)– morning and evening – and meditation sessions throughout the week. All of these are optional and will be created for all abilities. We will be looking at the power of our breath and the importance of spending time in the natural world – a perfect place to do this.

 Free time can be spent by the glorious pool with panoramic views of the hills and countryside, walks around the 90 acres of land and beyond, having a massage, visiting Quissac 1 km walk away or just finding a quiet spot to read or relax or connecting with others.


La Deveze’s ninety acres of grounds hold so much to discover. In search of a quiet spot to read? Take a blanket to aptly named The View atop the hillside, or cool down in a thyme-scented patch under the trees or next to a natural swimming pond. Early risers will be treated to the morning song of an array of birds and occasionally the sight of families of deer grazing in the meadow. Afternoon brings the sound of cicadas and the distant buzz of the bees from our hives searching for nectar. Fresh eggs and vegetables are available to buy from our ‘potager’, or if you enjoy foraging for wild herbs, truffles and vegetables, this is a land of plenty.

Early evenings treat you to the sight of buzzards drifting in the warm air currents, searching for prey over the Coutach mountain. As the night draws in, the cicadas subside and the sound of owls can be heard. The famously clear skies of the Languedoc treat us to an enviable view of the solar system; spend an evening spotting shooting stars in the courtyard. Life-affirming moments among nature and a wonderful nights’ sleep, all only 1 km from town.


Our indoor Yoga shala is a beautiful oak-floored space with wooden beams and traditional stone walls. With doors opening out to a wonderful view and under-floor heating throughout we will be comfortable in any weather. Equipment is provided so no need to struggle with your mats or blocks when you travel.

We also have outdoor decking to practice on for those beautiful sunny days as well as quiet spaces in the grounds for mindful walks and outdoor meditation and breath work.

For more info head to our connect page and send us a message

Earlier Event: 19 June
Summer Solstice Workshop
Later Event: 15 October
Foundation Course 2 - Coming up for Air