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Foundation Course 2 - Coming up for Air

  • St Mary and St Margarets Church Chester Road Birmingham, England United Kingdom (map)

Coming up for air - Foundation Course Part 2

Join us on a six-month journey of enquiry and exploration into the practices of Yoga.

Following on from our “Diving deeper” foundation course we are now “Coming up for air” integrating practices and theory that we can use in every day life, right here, right now.

We will connect in-person as a community at St Mary & St Margaret’s hall in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham between October 2022 - March 2023.

What’s involved?

Our accessible sessions will be based around the pancha mahabhutas - the five great elements which are seen in Yoga and it’s partner science and philosophy Ayurveda. We will weave in theory from different paths of Yoga in a down-to earth and enjoyable way. Topics that will be touched on are Asana (developing the postures of Yoga for the individual), the yamas and niyamas of Patanjalis astanga system (eight limbs) and how they might fit into a modern world, developing our meditation practice, sustaining our practice as a wellbeing tool for body and mind, the chakra and nadi systems (without the faff!)

There will be a wonderful course book and some online content added each month to support you. A supportive and openhearted sangha (community) will be there for you along the way.

Who is this for?

Graduates of our first Foundation course (or those who have completed one with another facilitator)

Teachers or student teachers (Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, bodywork) who would like to broaden their knowledge/make time for their own practice

Those with an inquisitive mind, who have had a regular Yoga practice (not just postures) for at least 3 years

We will look at the theory and practices with an open mind. We may not always agree with each other and some things may challenge us all at certain times. We will endeavour to always be respectful to each other and create a space where we can be as open and honest with one another without any judgement. If this does not sound like your kind of vibe then this course is probably not for you.

Dates and times

Saturday 15th October 2022 1pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 12th November 2022 1pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 17th December 2022 1pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 14th January 2023 1pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 11th February 2023 1pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 11th March 2023 1pm - 3pm


£220. This can be paid in 1 go or in instalments if that makes things easier (please see booking form).

I apologise in advance that I cannot offer refunds for missed sessions but I will send content from any session missed.

On Completion…

You will receive a certificate of completion and 30 hours CPD points from Yoga Alliance International.