Autumn Practices

Autumn is certainly here. this beautiful season of changing colour invites calm into our body and minds, and a sense of cosiness into our ives.

In Yoga & Ayurveda Vata dosha is dominant - bringing the lighter qualities of air and space. This can encourage a wonderfull boost to our creativity and also encourages us to keep moving, even though we might just want to huddle up by the fire! Yet also because of it’s subtle, quick qualities we might experience more scattiness, fear or worry. Of course our Yoga practice has every tool in it’s box to balance these natural qualities so that we can stay healthy, calm and enjoy this beautiful season. come along to a class to learn more.

Our Qigong sessions are also looking at Autumn and the Chinese phase of metal - sharp and strong a balanced metal encourages good judgement, healthy decision-making, the ability to let go and an ability to feel inspired and inspiring. The lungs and large intestine are the organs of Autumn so we certainly want to keep them healthy with lots of forms relating to their meridians.

Ayurvedic massage treatments continue through Autumn with a focus on calming and steadiness. Book your spot with me on Wednesdays at High Vibe alignment and the last Saturday of the month at VC Holistics