December Classes

So we made it to December!

For the rest of the month we will explore some beautifully well-rounded practices full of creative Yoga, nourishing breath work, and as always intention and relaxation to calm the busyness that can happen this time of year.

Why not take some time out of the hustle and bustle and gift your Self some Yoga or Qigong.

Our classes will run up to Christmas week (Water Orton Yoga will finish a little earlier). I will be taking donations to Birmingham Christmas Shelter so if you would like to donate cash is gratefully accepted. If you are bringing clothes please bring on the last week of classes.

I am having a break in January so classes will re-start from the week of the 16th January.

Have a wonderful rest of 2022 and a fabulous Christmas. Hope to see you on the mat xx

Playlist for Yoga at home in December

Denise Walters